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Genetic Armageddon: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

July 28, 2011

Crop contamination of non-GMO plants, combined with the genocidal effects of Terminator seeds is devastating to ordinary farmers. Consumption of GMO crops have proven ties in mice studies to sterility (shown to be delayed until the second or third generation) as well as cancer and other issues.

Powerful globalists have declared themselves God, and seek to limit the complex expression of life with cheap carbon-copy clones that threaten to displace the genuine flora, fauna and other life on this planet. Not long ago, the world’s most prestigious scientists considered some 96% of DNA to be throwaway ‘junk’ with no genetic value. Now, in greater arrogance, they will make far greater mistakes as they pretend to understand the path to ‘transhumanism’ where man supposedly ascends to godhood and life extension. Humanity must stand up and say no before it is too late.

Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

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  1. August 19, 2011 13:48

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